On social programs
“These proposals included cries for billions of new money for social assistance
in the name of “child poverty” and for more business subsidies in the name of
“cultural identity”. In both cases I was sought out as a rare public figure to
oppose such projects.”
(Stephen Harper, The Bulldog, National Citizens Coalition, February 1997)
[S]ome basic
facts about Canada that are relevant to my talk... Canada is a Northern
European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it.” …
“In terms of the unemployed... don't feel particularly bad for many of these
people. They don't feel bad about it themselves, as long as they're receiving
generous social assistance and unemployment insurance.” (From a speech to the Council for National Policy, a conservative American lobby group, June
1997, as reported by the CBC)
has been severely reduced: it is virtually dead as a concept in most areas of
public policy…These achievements are due in part to the Reform Party…”
(Stephen Harper, Speech to the Colin Brown Memorial Dinner, National Citizens
Coalition, 1994)
“[W]hat we clearly need is experimentation - with market reforms and private
delivery options within the public system. And it is only logical that, in a
federal state where the provinces operate the public health care systems and
regulate private services, that experimentation should occur at the provincial
(Stephen Harper, Speech in Charlottetown, June 27, 2001)
"One of the
things that we suggested specifically was that the Alberta Government take on
the Canada Health Act." (Stephen Harper, CBC Newsworld, December 4, 2001)
“Monopolies in the
public sector are just as objectionable as monopolies in the private sector. It
should not matter who delivers health care, whether it is private, for profit,
not for profit or public institutions, as long as Canadians have access to it
regardless of their financial means.”
(Stephen Harper, Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, Oct. 1, 2002)
“Harper also believes
that our health care will continue to deteriorate unless Ottawa overhauls the
Canada Health Act to allow the provinces to experiment with market reforms and
private health care delivery options. He is prepared to take tough positions
including experimenting with private delivery in the public system.” (Stephen
Harper, Leadership Campaign Policy Statement, www.harperforleader.com, February
“So why is the
federal government going to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to run an
inquiry into the health care system? The answer is likely so that it can insist
upon finding a "national solution" - precisely the opposite of what
the system needs. … Given such a challenge, what we clearly need is experimentation
- with market reforms and private delivery options within the public system.
And it is only logical that, in a federal state where the provinces operate the
public health care systems and regulate private services, that experimentation
should occur at the provincial level.”
(Speech in Charlottetown, June 27, 2001)
On Taxes
"I believe that all taxes are bad." (‘Tory tax cut promise dominates
campaign’, CTV.ca news, December 1, 2005)
"I will strive
to make this not the highest-spending country in the world, but instead the
lowest taxing one." (Stephen Harper, Conservative Leadership Convention,
March 19, 2004)
“The Liberals may blather about protecting cultural minorities, but the fact is
that undermining the traditional definition of marriage is an assault on
multiculturalism and the practices in those communities.” (Stephen Harper,
Hansard, February 18, 2005)
“Liberals may talk
about minorities. But undermining the traditional definition of marriage is an
assault on the beliefs of all cultural and religious communities who have come
to this country.''
(Stephen Harper, Canadian Press, April 9, 2005)
“I'm telling you,
what I'm telling you is I don't see [the notwithstanding clause] as an issue
here. The issue is simple. Which definition of marriage does Parliament want to
enact, and I don't think that's, I don't think it's a complicated legal
question, I think it's a simple act of political judgment and will.”
(Stephen Harper, CTV Question Period, December 26, 2004)
“I do not support the special legal recognition of
same-sex relationships, the compulsory provision of marital benefits to same
sex couples, or a number of other possible implications of such legislation.”
(Stephen Harper, Letter to the Editor, Calgary Herald, December 14, 1994)
"Human rights commissions, as they are evolving, are an attack on our
fundamental freedoms and the basic existence of a democratic society…It is in
fact totalitarianism. I find this is very scary stuff."
(Stephen Harper, BC Report, January 11, 1999)
"Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of
wealth-producing nations." (The Star, January 30, 2007)
“Let’s forget about
this unworkable treaty…. Kyoto’s never going to be passed.”
(Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, June 10, 2004)
“My party’s position
on the Kyoto Protocol is clear and has been for a long time. We will oppose
ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and its targets. We will work with the
provinces and others to discourage the implementation of those targets. And we
will rescind the targets when we have the opportunity to do so.” (Stephen
Harper, Ottawa Citizen, November 22, 2002)
“No, what I am
supportive of is, frankly, not ratifying the Kyoto agreement and not
implementing it.”
(Stephen Harper, CTV News, September 6, 2002)
“Kyoto [is] the worst
international agreement this country has ever signed and I don't think they
have the guts to implement it because it would have severe impacts on the
economy and on the ordinary people from coast-to-coast.” (Stephen Harper, CTV
News, September 4, 2002)
On the Iraq
"It [referring to calling a Minister "Idiot"] was probably not
an appropriate term, but we support the war effort and believe we should be
supporting our troops and our allies and be there with them doing everything
necessary to win." (Montreal Gazette, April 2003
"I don't know
all the facts on Iraq, but I think we should work closely with the
Americans." (Report Newsmagazine, March 25 2002)
"We should have
been there shoulder to shoulder with our allies. Our concern is the instability
of our government as an ally. We are playing again with national and global
security matters." (Canadian Press Newswire, April 11, 2003)
"On the
justification for the war, it wasn't related to finding any particular weapon
of mass destruction. In our judgment, it was much more fundamental. It was the
removing of a regime that was hostile, that clearly had the intention of
constructing weapons systems. … I think, frankly, that everybody knew the post-war
situation was probably going to be more difficult than the war itself. Canada
remains alienated from its allies, shut out of the reconstruction process to
some degree, unable to influence events. There is no upside to the position
Canada took." (Maclean’s, August, 25, 2003
"This party
will not take its position based on public opinion polls. We will not take a
stand based on focus groups. We will not take a stand based on phone-in shows
or householder surveys or any other vagaries of public opinion… In my judgment
Canada will eventually join with the allied coalition if war on Iraq comes to
pass. The government will join, notwithstanding its failure to prepare, its
neglect in co-operating with its allies, or its inability to contribute. In the
end it will join out of the necessity created by a pattern of uncertainty and
indecision. It will not join as a leader but unnoticed at the back of the
parade." (Hansard, January 29, 2003)
“[T]his country cannot enhance its cherished place in this world by losing its
special position on this continent. We cannot let our military sovereignty in
NORAD wither away. We cannot watch our economic security in NAFTA weaken. So I
tell you that on our common interests with the United States, including on
missile defence, our Conservative government will take Canada back to the
(Stephen Harper, 2005 Conservative Convention Speech Speaking Notes, March 18,
“…we must take
seriously our own and continental security, rather than just push the entire
burden on to the United States. We need to engage actively in the continental
missile defence program to ensure Canada has a voice in its own air security.”
(Stephen Harper, National Post, May 23, 2003)
"There is a continental culture. There is a Canadian culture that is in some
ways unique to Canada, but I don't think Canadian culture coincides neatly with
borders." (Report Newsmagazine January 7, 2002)
On Bilingualism
“After all, enforced national bilingualism in this country isn’t mere policy. It has attained the status of a religion. It’s a dogma which one is supposed to accept without question. … [M]ake no mistake. Canada is not a bilingual country. In fact it is less bilingual today
than it has ever been...As a religion, bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness, produced no unity, and cost Canadian taxpayers untold millions.” (Stephen Harper, Calgary Sun, May 6, 2001)
than it has ever been...As a religion, bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness, produced no unity, and cost Canadian taxpayers untold millions.” (Stephen Harper, Calgary Sun, May 6, 2001)
On Alberta
"It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around
Alberta, to limit the extent to which an aggressive and hostile federal
government can encroach upon legitimate provincial jurisdiction."
(Stephen Harper, National Post, January 24, 2001)
“If Ottawa giveth,
then Ottawa can taketh away… This is one more reason why Westerners, but
Albertans in particular, need to think hard about their future in this country.
After sober reflection, Albertans should decide that it is time to seek a new
relationship with Canada. …Canada appears content to become a second-tier
socialistic country, boasting ever more loudly about its economy and social
services to mask its second-rate status, led by a second-world strongman
appropriately suited for the task …Having hit a wall, the next logical step is
not to bang our heads against it. It is to take the bricks and begin building
another home – a stronger and much more autonomous Alberta. It is time to look
at Quebec and to learn. What Albertans should take from this example is to
become “maItres chez nous”.
(Stephen Harper, National Post, December 8, 2000)
“But I'm very libertarian in the sense that I believe in small government and,
as a general rule, I don't believe in imposing values upon people.” (Stephen
Harper, National Post, March 6, 2004)
conservatism, Harper says during an interview in his Calgary office, is
libertarian in nature, emphasizing markets and choice. Libertarian
conservatives work to dismantle the remaining elements of the interventionist
state and move towards “a market society for the 21st century.”
(Stephen Harper, Toronto Star, April 6, 1997)
On the Liberal Party
"You’ve got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals
hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent
migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated
into western Canadian society." (The Report newsmagazine, January 22,
On the
Progressive Conservative and Reform Parties (From a speech to the
Council for National Policy, a conservative American lobby group, June 1997, as reported by the CBC)
“[Y]our country [the
U.S.], and particularly your conservative movement, is a light and an
inspiration to people in this country and across the world.
“Then there is the
Progressive Conservative party, the PC party, which won only 20 seats. Now, the
term Progressive Conservative will immediately raise suspicions in all of your
minds. It should. It's obviously kind of an oxymoron.
“But the Progressive
Conservative is very definitely liberal Republican. These are people who are
moderately conservative on economic matters, and in the past have been
moderately liberal, even sometimes quite liberal on social policy matters.
“They were in favour
of gay rights officially, officially for abortion on demand... This explains
one of the reasons why the Reform party has become such a power.
“The Reform party is
much closer to what you would call conservative Republican.
“Let me say a little
bit about the Reform party because I want you to be very clear on what the
Reform party is and is not... The Reform party is very much a leader-driven
“[The Reform Party
is] also the most conservative socially, but it's not a theocon party, to use
the term. The Reform party does favour the use of referendums and free votes in
Parliament on moral issues and social issues.
“Last year, when we
had the Liberal government putting the protection of sexual orientation in our
Human Rights Act, the Reform Party was opposed to that, but made a terrible
mess of the debate.
“The Reform party is very much a modern manifestation
of the Republican movement in Western Canada; the U.S. Republicans started in
the western United States”.